Thursday 20 June 2013

Come On Get Your Goals Set & Realise Your Dreams

Read a great book and wanted to share the philosophy with you all; 7 Strategies for Wealth and happiness by Jim Rohn.

To keep it really simple just follow these instructions, however before I get started a health warning! Don’t read on unless you really do want to move your life in a direction you aspire to, you want to achieve, you have dreamt of and feels right for you. Tired of that negativity in your mind telling you ‘not to be daft, you’ll never achieve that, who are you trying to kid, let’s get back to reality ‘ or you ‘so call friends’ telling you to be realistic, there are more important things to deal with, it’s a nice idea BUT!

Let’s remember dreaming is a right we inherited as a child, dreaming of what you were going to get for your Birthday or Christmas, what you were going to be when you grew up! What happen, when did you lose the ability to dream and by virtue change and take control and responsibility for your life? Maybe it’s because we are not happy with a label like dream, it’s too fanciful, too fairy tale and not realistic! OK let’s put a ‘grown up’ name to it, let’s call that dream a goal. The biggest difference having grown up is realising there are ways and means to realise a goal or a dream.  We didn’t know what would be involved with becoming an astronaut as child, however we have a better idea today; probably a few scientific degrees, I guess being able to fly, maybe fit and healthy. Now clearly that sounds simple enough, but we can all see that alone is a great deal of work and commitment. The point is you are all able to achieve our goals once we know where we want to go.

So what? This is about choice, deciding to do something different, if that you then this simple exercise is as good a starting point as any………READ ON>>>>>

So we are going to have a brain dump! First step is to find yourself a piece of paper and a pen. Got it GOOD, now divide the page into 6. Top left write BE, Top right write DO, the left to right in the remaining boxes SEE, HAVE, GO and finally bottom right SHARE:

 Now this is the good part, don't get into a 'flat spin' or 'too in depth' just start writing and write down your goals for the next 10 years under these headings.
What do I want to BE?
What do I want to DO?
What do I want to SEE?
What do I want to HAVE?
Where do I want to GO?
What do I want to SHARE?
The key here is not top write to much detail, the the saying goes 'keep it simple stupid'! So don't write lengthy descriptions, just write a brief memory jogger. "I want a Porches 4S" as 4S.
So how long should this take...well no more than 15 minutes, there will be time to refine and reflect in due course. The important thing is to write what comes naturally.
Next you'll need to write the number of years it is going to take you to achieve each of the goals. Don't be too definitive round it up or down to years, general 1, 3, 5 or 10. Now just pop the number with each of the goals. What's important here is to ensure you have balance in your forecasting. There's little point to having lots of 5 and 10 years goals and no 1 or 3 years, its likely to result in 'just putting things off', postponing what it is you need to get started. Likewise without the long term goals you'll be lacking some long term vision and something to really strive for. At this point you'll end up with multi-layered goals, you'll be able to maintain momentum, as you reach and achieve one goal you'll be already on the way to the next and so on!
Now with all the goals you have written you need to prioritise the top 3 or 4 in each time category. Your now going to distil what each means and represents, you need to write a paragraph on each detailing the following:
  • A description of what you want; and be detailed, really tap into your minds eye, relay visualise the goal.
  • The reason why you want to achieve or acquire the item, its likely at this point that you will find out if you really want it or its just a passing fancy and not a goal. Bottom line if you cant define why you should class it as a whim and reprioritise and replace it with a goal.
The point here is the real reason is the driving factor the real motivation behind the goal, so spend some time here as this is what will inspire and keep you focused on achieving it.
Once you have completed this process why not have your goals written out and presented nicely in a  journal or diary and then make sure you review them each and every week. Assess what progress you make and measure it, how much closer you are to achievement. Doesn't matter how little it matters that you are ever closer towards realising.
So get writing!
Here Jim talking about Goal Setting:

Jim has some great books which will help in your pursuit of your dreams and making them a reality.

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