Monday 26 August 2013

Communication - Attention = No Results

Reading a great book at the moment, which really links into my effective listening posts; James Borg, Persuasion, The Art of Influencing People. Really got me thinking about just how effective we communicate and is summed up with an equation .......Communication minus attention equals 'no results'. Quite simply we might be hearing but are we actually listening?

How often he you been in a conversation seemingly listening, then part way through you find yourself wondering, maybe picked up on a piece of detail and gone off on a tangent in your mind. Suddenly realised, by which time you missed the point of the conversation. The problem here is a lack of awareness regarding the speed our brains can consume and process information; much faster than the typical person can speak. We generally pick up on key words, or elements within a conversation which spike our interest, process and think about that and conversely miss the point. A great example from the book, which you will all undoubtedly associate with:

What did you do this weekend?
Drove down to the coast with the kids, to Brighton, and stayed over night.
Oh Brighton. I haven't been there for years. Did you take the train?
No, I drove.
Did you go on your own?

How many of you have been giving a pitch and this scenario runs its course; after the pleasantries the other parties mobile rings. Excuse me whilst I take this call!  Then your disturbed by the secretary, another mobile call and so on; your message is lost the attention is lost. Or have you been the one with the lack of attention? Which ever the case the point is the same, the message is lost.......No results.

So what? This short blog is to raise awareness in maintaining and being attentive, keeping the interest levels on track be they your own or the other party. Next time you find yourself in a conversation be fully engaged and attentive, watch for those distractions, becoming distracted, listen for the detail and don't allow yourself to be distracted. You'll be amazed what you have missed in the past, the opportunities, understanding

and you'll see greater results in life and business.

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