Monday 26 May 2014

Change the World

Admiral McRaven's top 10 tips for students to change the world. This is excellent and applies to all of us, at home, personally and in business. Watch his speech to see for yourself.

1. Make your bed every day - making your bed everyday into a profession. The wisdom of a a simple act.
2. Everyone must paddle. You can't change the world alone.
3. Measure a person by the size of their heart not the size of their flippers.
4. Get over being a sugar cookie and continue to pursue your goals with vigour.
5. Don't be afraid of the circuses, there's no such thing as failure only feedback. 
6. Sometimes you have to slide down the rope head first. Risk doing something different.
7. Don't back down from the sharks, confront your fears.
8. You must be your very best at the darkest moments under the keel.
9. Start singing when your up to your neck in mud, one person is all it takes to give hope.
10. Don't ever ring the bell.

So having listened to Admiral McRaven what little tasks to you need to complete daily to help along the way with the big tasks? How well does your team function, do they all have a paddle? How do you measure other people? How determined are you to pursue your goals? How do you react when the going gets tough? Have you the strength and courage to do something different? When the sharks are circling how do you control your fear? Where do you find your inner strength at the darkest moments? How do you get into a positive place when the negative wants to overwhelm you? Will you ever ring that bell? 

1 comment:

  1. love it... relevant, complete integrity, undauntee willpower and enduring courage
